Motorcycle Accidents

7 Motorcycle Safety Tips

Before heading out on the road, it is critical that you know what safety measure to put in place to keep you accident-free. Whether in a car or on a motorcycle, accidents can happen at any moment. These tips are a guide to keep you and other drivers safe. Tip 1: Wear the Right Gear

Motorcycle Safety Tips for Tulsa Drivers

Riding a motorcycle has always been considered a symbol of freedom on the open roads. With the feeling of wind breezing by and speeding through the roadways, riding motorcycles can be an exciting and thrilling experience. But, like with all vehicles, safety measures must be prioritized when navigating the streets. Being that a motorcycle only

Tulsa Distracted Driving Accidents – Who Is Liable for Damages?

Distracted driving continues to be a common cause of traffic crashes in Tulsa. In 2019, 8,646 distracted driving crashes were reported. Thousands of people were injured and 40 people died. Tulsa County distracted driving accidents totaled 1,218, and the City of Tulsa reported 864 distracted driving crashes. Injuries and Damages Caused by Distracted Drivers The

Auto Accident FAQs for Tulsa Drivers

If you have been in an automobile accident, there are some things you need to know to protect your legal rights. Our Tulsa car accident lawyers discuss five auto accident FAQs in this blog that could help you recover the compensation you deserve after another driver causes a car crash in Tulsa. Five Auto Accident

Motorcycle Accident FAQs for Tulsa Motorcyclists

Motorcycle accidents result in thousands of injuries and deaths each year. Motorcyclists face many risks when they ride. They deal with road and weather conditions, and they must deal with reckless and careless drivers. If you were injured in a motorcycle crash, you need to know these motorcycle accident FAQs. Four Motorcycle Accident FAQs Riders

Three Things to Know About Truck Injury Accidents in Tulsa

Large truck accidents resulted in the deaths of 4,951 people in 2018. Additionally, large truck injury accidents were responsible for over 151,000 injuries. The shocking statistics is that 82 percent of the deaths in truck crashes were non-truck occupants. Non-truck occupants sustained seventy-four percent (74%) of the injuries. We share the roads with commercial trucks

Accident Insurance Claims – Five Things You Need to Know

When another party causes you to sustain injuries, you could receive compensation from that party for your injuries and damages. In many personal injury cases, accident victims receive compensation after filing insurance claims. The insurance company for the at-fault party compensates the victim. However, the process of filing and settling insurance claims is not always

Tulsa Car Accidents Caused by Drunk Drivers

There are many reasons why Tulsa car accidents occur, including driving under the influence. Drunk driving continues to be a serious problem throughout the United States. Roughly 30 people die each day in DUI accidents nationwide. In 2019, alcohol-related crashes in Oklahoma totaled 3,171. That was a slight increase from the number of DUI accidents

Hazardous Road Safety Tips for Tulsa Drivers

Traffic accidents can happen during any conditions. However, some road conditions can make driving more treacherous on Oklahoma roads. Below are five hazardous road safety tips for Tulsa drivers that might help you avoid a car accident. Five Hazardous Road Safety Tips You Should Know Adverse Weather Conditions Occur Year Round Severe weather conditions can

Consequences of Distracted Driving in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Distracted driving continues to be a common cause of accidents in Tulsa and throughout Oklahoma. Thousands of people die in distracted driving accidents each year. In 2018, 2,841 people died in the United States in accidents caused by distracted drivers. In 2019, 8,646 distracted driving accidents caused thousands of injuries and 40 deaths in Oklahoma.